Over the years, Lee Industrial Contracting has taken on several high-profile energy projects in Michigan. Some of these have sent our team as far abroad as Turkey to complete the full project scope. Each project came with its individual challenges, but we were able to overcome them all and meet or exceed our clients’ needs.
There are many great industrial companies operating in the energy business, whether directly or by providing auxiliary services. We work hard to set ourselves apart from the available choices our clients have by letting our work speak for itself. By focusing on doing great work, we keep clients happy and continue to receive references.
In more recent years, we began to document some of the energy projects we took on. The aim is to help future clients get a better idea of not just what we can bring to the table, but what we have already achieved for others. These are the three we are most proud of, so far.
1. Steel Pipe Processing Line Installation
This project took our team to the beautiful city of Istanbul to assist with relocating an entire pipe processing line to Michigan. One of the biggest challenges we encountered was the fact that the equipment had not been used for some time. Before we could move forward, our team had to inspect all of this equipment and complete repairs estimated at $1.5 million. Some of these repairs included creating brand-new custom parts, which we have done before for other energy projects.
We had our work cut out for us in Michigan, as well. Here, we had to construct a brand-new metal building for the processing unit. It was a whopping 184,000 square feet in size. In spite of these challenges, we presented our client with a turnkey solution to its relocation needs. The entire project involved the cooperation of several departments. These included mechanical, rigging, robotics, electrical and building.
2. Transportation of Substation Structures
Our transportation department completed a massive delivery order on behalf of a client, all across Michigan. This required managing our fleet of semi-trucks to deliver 92,000 pounds of precast concrete cut into 120 pieces. This is one of the most complex logistics plans we had to execute in our energy projects. Below are just some of the many locations we delivered to on the client’s behalf:
- New Vienna, MI
- East China, MI
- Tittabawassee, MI
- Highland, MI
- Kalamazoo, MI
- Marysville, MI
One of the most difficult challenges we experienced during this project was the sheer scope of it and all the many moving parts. We had to liaise with several other companies to assist with the offloading process in the locations we delivered to. In spite of the challenges, we delivered the loads on time and early.
3. Rotor Removal
This project took place in Canton, Michigan, and was a collaborative effort between our rigging and transportation departments. This was a little different from our usual energy projects. Our client asked us to rig a steam turbine rotor and then transport it to Missouri to have it rebuilt. Upon completion of the rebuild, we reinstalled the rotor in the original facility.
During this project, uncertainty was our biggest challenge and flexibility was our big solution. The client’s timeline changed several times, due to factors outside of its control. We were able to scale our participation in this energy project up and down to meet its needs and eventually complete the project to spec.
Our team has the skill and experience to take on incredibly complex energy projects. Whether the tasks involve hundreds of moving parts or take us into foreign territory, we feel confident that we can accomplish each step successfully. We are especially proud of the work we have done in our home state of Michigan.